Friday, May 1, 2009


(Pictures: Nimes Arena; Maison Carree; Boulevard de Victor Hugo, along a canal in Nimes; view of the Jardins de la Fontaine; the Tour Magne; view of Nimes from the top of the Tour Magne)

Today was our last full day in France, and we spent it touring the city of Nimes and visiting the various Roman ruins that are located here. All of the ruins in the city are over 2000 years old. The weather was absolutely gorgeous (yes, the sky really was that blue!) and the day was very enjoyable. May 1 is a holiday in France, similar to Labor Day in the United States. There was a large marathon being held in the city this morning, and we saw many of the participants pass by as we walked along. It was neat to see the city celebrating, with musicians and dancers creating a lively atmosphere in the city square.

First we went to the Nimes Arena and took a very interesting audio tour. We learned all about the history of the arena, as well as Roman culture and customs, including gladiators and other spectacles. This arena is one of the 20 largest Roman arenas that remain today, and is the most well-preserved of all of them.

We then headed to the Maison Carree, a Roman temple. Unfortunately the temple is under restoration and some unsightly scaffolding was set up all along one side, but it was still a great sight to see. After a break for lunch, I headed to the Jardins de la Fontaine which were beautiful! A system of canals runs through this large park, and there are many fountains scattered throughout. The scenery was almost tropical, and reminded me of how close I am to the Mediterranean Sea. After passing through the park, I walked up to the top of the hill, which also has many walking paths weaving through a quiet, wooded area. At the top of the hill is the Tour Magne, an ancient Roman watchtower. This is the highest point in the city. I climbed to the top and viewed a wondeful panorama of the city of Nimes and the surrounding area.

It was a last day very well spent. Tonight we catch an evening train back to Paris, and tomorrow we fly home, marking the end of our trip. It's been an amazing experience and I've very much enjoyed documenting it every step of the way! Thank you for reading!

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