Monday, April 27, 2009

Musee du Louvre

(Pictures: Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, Mona Lisa, dining room in Napoleon's apartments, an art student's work)

Today Gramzie and I visited the Louvre. It was great. We saw so many famous works of art, and many that I remembered studying in art history. That's been particularly enjoyable for me - seeing the real works that I studied in school. The Louvre is too large to see in its entirety in one visit, so Gramzie and I each picked out some areas that we wanted to prioritize. We did the highlights of course, as seen in my pictures, and also went through the Northern school of painting, Italian paintings, French paintings, Greek and Roman antiquities, Egyptian antiquities, the apartments of Napoleon III, and various other sections we meandered through going from one place to another. We spent the whole day at the Louvre and we're both very tired!

For dinner we ate at a restaurant near our hotel and we each ordered veal Milanese with penne pasta. It was very good. We also made a pact to not eat any bread during this meal so we'd have room for dessert! All week we've skipped out on delicious French desserts because we're always too full! But today Gramzie Creme Brulee and I had a crepe with coconut and chocolat sauce and vanilla ice cream. Delicious!

Tomorrow we head out of Paris for the day to visit Versailles. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Lauren, we are really enjoying following along on your trip with Gramzie. Your photographs are gorgeous and your narrative is charming. And, I agree with your Uncle Bill that the food sounds amazing!

Deb G.G. Stone said...

My sister Christine suggested I visit your blog. Thank you so much for the photo's and narratives. Unbelievably beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I especially like your picture of the sign indicating no pictures allowed :-)

Lauren Menges said...

Yes, well the artist was in the other room! I was sneaky about it.